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Consumer Law | Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (GLADA) v. Vidya Chetal, S.L.P. (C) No. 4272 of 2015 16-09-2019 SC

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA | N.V. Ramana, Mohan M. Shantanagoudar & Ajay Rastogi, JJ. Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (GLADA) v. Vidya Chetal, S.L.P. (C) No. 4272 of 2015 16-09-2019 with S.L.P. (C) No. 5237 of 2015 Punjab Urban Development Authority v. Ram Singh. Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Sections 2 (1) (g) and 2(1)(o) - “deficiency” - “service” - meaning of - the determination of the dispute concerning the validity of the imposition of a statutory due arising out of a “deficiency in service”, can be undertaken by the consumer fora as per the provisions of the Act. Those exactions, like tax, and cess, levied as a part of common burden or for a specific purpose, generally may not be amenable to the jurisdiction of the Consumer Forum. However, those statutory fees, levied in lieu of service provided, may in the usual course be subject matter of Consumer Forum’s jurisdiction provided that there is a ‘deficiency in service’ etc. [Para 21 & 29]
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