Use of a Vehicle in a Public Place without a Permit is a Fundamental Statutory Infraction [SC Judgment]
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 - S. 66 - Use of a vehicle in a public place without a permit is a fundamental statutory infraction.
The insurer had taken the plea that the vehicle in question had no permit. It does not require the wisdom of the “Tripitaka”, that the existence of a permit of any nature is a matter of documentary evidence. Nothing has been brought on record by the insured to prove that he had a permit of the vehicle. In such a situation, the onus cannot be cast on the insurer. Therefore, the tribunal as well as the High Court had directed the insurer was required to pay the compensation amount to the claimants with interest with the stipulation that the insurer shall be entitled to recover the same from the owner and the driver.
(Dipak Misra, CJI.) (A.M. Khanwilkar, J.)
May 17, 2018
out of S.L.P. (CIVIL) NO. 7692 of 2017)
Amrit Paul Singh & Anr.
TATA AIG General Insurance Respondent(s) Co. Ltd. & Ors.
Dipak Misra, CJI.
The legal representatives of the deceased, Jagir Singh, the husband
of the second respondent, preferred a claim petition being MACT Case No. 70 of
2013 under Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (for brevity, ‘the Act’)
before the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Pathankot (for short, ‘the tribunal’)
claiming compensation to the tune of Rs. 36,00,000/. The claim petition was filed on the basis that on 19.02.2013,
Jagir Singh was travelling to Pathankot on his motor cycle and at that juncture,
the offending truck bearing temporary registration No. PB066894 belonging to
the appellant No. 2 driven in a rash and negligent manner hit the motor cycle
of the deceased as a result of which he sustained multiple injuries, and
eventually, succumbed to the same when being taken to the hospital. The claim
put forth was sought to be sustained on many a basis which need not be adverted
2. The insurer, the first
respondent herein, opposed the claim on the ground that the vehicle in question
was driven in violation of the terms of the insurance policy and further the
driver was not having a valid and effective driving license and, therefore, it was
not obliged to indemnify the insured. That apart, a stand was taken that the
vehicle did not have the permit on the date of the accident. On behalf of the
owner of the vehicle and driver, assertions were made that the vehicle was
insured with the first respondent as per the insurance policy, that the vehicle
was registered and the driver had the requisite driving licence. Additionally, copy of the route permit of the offending truck
was brought on record.
3. The tribunal noted that
the vehicle was purchased in September 2012 and insured on 20.12.2012. It was
registered on 26.02.2013. The accident, as stated earlier, occurred on 19.02.2013.
The tribunal, placing reliance on the decision rendered by this Court in National Insurance
Co. Ltd. v. Challa Bharathamma and others, (2004) 8 SCC 517 held that the insurer
was not liable and proceeded to quantify the amount of compensation and
determined the same at Rs. 15,63,120/. The tribunal directed the amount to be paid by the insurer along
with interest at the rate of 9% from the date of award till its realisation and
recover the same from the owner and driver of the vehicle. A further direction
was given for attachment of the truck in question till the award was satisfied.
4. The award dated 20.11.2014
passed by the tribunal was challenged in FAO No. 1702 of 2016 before the High
Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh. It was contended in appeal that the
appellant No. 2, the owner of the offending vehicle, had deposited the
necessary fees along with application on 19.02.2013 for issue of route permit
and the same was issued on 27.02.2013. It was further urged that when the owner
of the vehicle had already submitted the documents in the transport office for
grant of permit along with the requisite fees, the tribunal was in error in
holding that the vehicle was being plied without a valid permit. In support of the submissions, reliance was
placed upon Ashok Kumar Khemaka v. Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and other, 2014 (3) RCR (Civil) 1018; National Insurance
Company Limited v. Kamlesh Kaur and others, 2006 (3) RCR (Civil) 634 and Moti Ram v. ICICI
Lombard and others, 2015 ACJ 1793.
5. The High Court scrutinized
Annexure A1 which was filed to justify the stand that the application for issue
of the route permit was made to the competent authority and, on a scrutiny of
the same, came to hold that the owner had not been able to establish that he
had submitted the application for issue of permit before the accident.
Referring to Section 66 of the Act and placing reliance on Challa Bharathamma
case, the High Court
opined that even assuming that the owner had already applied for grant of the
permit before the accident, the same would not entitle the owner to ply the
vehicle. It is worthy to note that the learned single Judge distinguished the
decisions cited before him and, resultantly, confirmed the award of the
6. We
have heard Mr. Sudhir Walia, learned counsel for the appellants, and Mr. Amit
Kumar Singh, learned counsel for the respondentinsurer.
7. The conclusions recorded
by the tribunal and further confirmed by the High Court clearly show that the
accident occurred on 19.02.2013 and the competent authority issued the permit
on 27.02.2013. In this regard, Sections 2(28) and 2(31) of the Act that define “motor
vehicle” or “vehicle” and “permit” are reproduced below:
“( 28) “motor
vehicle” or “vehicle” means any mechanically propelled vehicle adapted for use
upon roads whether the power of propulsion is transmitted thereto from an external
or internal source and includes a chassis to which a body has not been attached
and a trailer; but does not include a vehicle running upon fixed rails or a vehicle
of a special type adapted for use only in a factory or in any other enclosed premises
or a vehicle having less than four wheels fitted with engine capacity of not exceeding
twentyfive cubic centimetres;
(31) “permit” means a permit issued by a State or
Regional Transport Authority or an authority prescribed in this behalf under this
Act authorising the use of a motor vehicle as a transport vehicle;”
On a perusal
of both the definitions, it is quite clear that a permit has to be issued by
the competent authority under the Act for use of a motor vehicle as a transport
vehicle. The emphasis is on the words “use” as well as “transport vehicle”.
8. Section 2(47) states that “transport
vehicle” means a public service vehicle, a goods carriage, an educational
institution bus or a private service vehicle. Section 66 stipulates necessity
for permits. Subsection (1) thereof provides that no owner of a motor vehicle
shall use or permit the use of the vehicle as a transport vehicle in any public
place, whether or not such vehicle is actually carrying any passengers or goods
save in accordance with the conditions of a permit granted or countersigned by
a Regional or State Transport Authority or any prescribed authority. Various
provisos have been appended to the main provision stipulating conditions for
use of the vehicle and purpose of carriage of goods vehicle. Subsection (2)
states that the holder of a goods carriage permit may use the vehicle for the drawing
of any trailer or semitrailer not owned by him, subject to such conditions as
may be prescribed. It is necessary to mention here that a proviso has been
added by Act 54 of 1994 with effect from 14.11.1994 allowing the holder of a
permit of any articulated vehicle to use the primemover of that articulated vehicle
for any other semitrailer. Section 2(2) defines “articulated vehicle” to mean a motor vehicle
to which a semitrailer is attached.
9. It is apt to note here that
subsection (3) of Section 66 carves out certain exceptions to subsection (1).
The relevant part of subsection (3) is extracted below:
“(3) The provisions of
subsection (1) shall not apply—
(a) to any transport vehicle owned by the Central
Government or a State Government and used for Government purposes unconnected
with any commercial enterprise;
(b) to any transport vehicle owned by a local authority
or by a person acting under contract with a local authority and used solely for
road cleansing, road watering or conservancy purposes;
(c) to any transport
vehicle used solely for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes;
(d) to any
transport vehicle used solely for the conveyance of corpses and the mourners accompanying
the corpses;
(e) to any transport vehicle used for towing a disabled vehicle or
for removing goods from a disabled vehicle to a place of safety;
(f) to any
transport vehicle used for any other public purpose as may be prescribed by the
State Government in this behalf;
(g) to any transport vehicle used by a person who
manufactures or deals in motor vehicles or builds bodies for attachment to chassis,
solely for such purposes and in accordance with such conditions as the Central
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this
(h) x x x x
(i) to any goods vehicle, the gross vehicle weight of which
does not exceed 3,000 kilograms;
(j) subject to such conditions as the Central Government
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify, to any transport vehicle
purchased in one State and proceeding to a place, situated in that State or in
any other State, without carrying any passenger or goods;
(k) to any transport
vehicle which has been temporarily registered under section 43 while proceeding
empty to any place for the purpose of registration of the vehicle;
(l) x x x x
to any transport vehicle which, owing to flood, earthquake or any other natural
calamity, obstruction on road, or unforeseen circumstances, is required to be
diverted through any other route, whether within or outside the State, with a
view to enabling it to reach its destination;
(n) to any transport vehicle used
for such purposes as the Central or State Government may, by order, specify;
to any transport vehicle which is subject to a hirepurchase, lease or
hypothecation agreement and which owing to the default of the owner has been
taken possession of by or on behalf of the person with whom the owner has
entered into such agreement, to enable such motor vehicle to reach its destination;
(p) to any transport vehicle while proceeding empty to any place for purpose
of repair.”
10. In the case at hand, the findings would show that the appellant
No. 2 did not have a permit for the vehicle. There is no dispute that the
vehicle initially had a temporary registration and eventually the permanent
registration. It is the stand of the appellants that the tribunal and the High
Court did not appreciate that the chasis of the vehicle was sent to the body where
the body of the truck was fabricated and when the vehicle was driven out of the
work shop at which point of time it met with an accident. A contention has been
made that the insurance policy was in force at the relevant time and, hence,
the insurer is legally obliged to indemnify the insured. A distinction has to
be made between “route permit” and “permit” in the context of Section 149 of
the Act. Section 149(2) provides the grounds that can be taken as defence by
the insurer. It enables the insurer to defend on the ground that there has been
breach of a specific condition of the policy, namely, (i) a condition that
excludes the use of the vehicle, ( a) for hire or reward, where the vehicle is,
on the date of the contract of insurance, a vehicle not covered by a permit to
ply for hire or reward, or (b) for organized racing and speed testing, or (c)
for a purpose not allowed by the permit under which the vehicle is used, where
the vehicle is a transport vehicle, or (d) without sidecar being attached where
the vehicle is a motor cycle. That apart, it also entitles the insurer to raise
the issue pertaining to a condition that excludes driving by a named person or
persons or by any person who is not duly licensed or by any person who has been
disqualified for holding or obtaining a driving licence during the period of
disqualification or that excludes liability for injury caused or contributed to
by conditions of war, civil war, riot or civil commotion. A further defence
that can be availed of by the insurer is that the policy is void on the ground
that it has been obtained by nondisclosure of the material fact or by
representation of act which is false in the material particular.
11. On a perusal of the written
statement filed by the owner and the driver, it is evident that the factum of
accident having been caused by the vehicle in question had been denied. That
apart, there is also a denial of liability that relates to the manner in which
the accident had occurred as alleged in the claim petition. It was the specific assertion of the insurer before the tribunal that
the vehicle was running in contravention of the provisions of the Act, for it
did not possess a route permit. The tribunal, on the basis of the materials
brought on record to the effect that the route permit was issued on 27.02.2013
and the accident occurred on 19.02.2013, returned a finding that the vehicle in
question did not have the permit. As stated earlier, the High Court has
affirmed the same.
12. Learned counsel for the
appellants would submit that in the obtaining factual matrix, the breach would
not exonerate the insurer from satisfying the judgment and an award in terms of
Section 149 of the Act. He has drawn inspiration from the decision of a
threeJudge Bench in National Insurance Co. Ltd v. Swaran Singh and others, (2004) 3 SCC 297. In the said case, the
Court was dealing with the interpretation of Section 149(2)(a)(ii) visàvis the
proviso appended to subsections (4) and (5) of Section 149 of the Act. The
issue centrally pertained to the necessity of having a driving licence. After
adverting to various provisions, the Court also delved into the fundamental
concept of third party right. Regard being had to the nature of the beneficial legislation, the Court
“39. The question as to whether an insurer can avoid its liability in
the event it raises a defence as envisaged in subsection (2) of Section 149 of
the Act corresponding to subsection (2) of Section 96 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 had been the subjectmatter of decisions in a
large number of cases.”
The Court posed the question as to whether an insurer can avoid its liability
in the event it raised the defence as envisaged in subsection (2) of Section
149 of the Act corresponding to subsection (2) of Section 96 of the Motor
Vehicles Act, 1939. The Court analysed the language employed in subsection (2)
of Section 149, specifically clause (a), and, after scrutinizing the same and
referring to various authorities, opined:
“69. The proposition of law is no
longer res integra that the person who alleges breach must prove the same. The
insurance company is, thus, required to establish the said breach by cogent
evidence. In the event the insurance company fails to prove that there has been
breach of conditions of policy on the part of the insured, the insurance
company cannot be absolved of its liability. (See Sohan Lal Passi v. P. Sesh Reddy and others , (1996) 5 SCC 21)
70. Apart from the
above, we do not intend to lay down anything further i.e. degree of proof which
would satisfy the aforementioned requirement inasmuch as the same would
indisputably depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case. It will also
depend upon the terms of contract of insurance. Each case may pose a different
problem which must be resolved having regard to a large number of factors governing the case including conduct of parties as regards duty
to inform, correct disclosure, suppression, fraud on the insurer etc. It will
also depend upon the fact as to who is the owner of the vehicle and the circumstances
in which the vehicle was being driven by a person having no valid and effective
licence. No hardandfast rule can, therefor, be laid down. If in a given case
there exists sufficient material to draw an adverse inference against either
the insurer or the insured, the Tribunal may do so. The parties alleging breach
must be held to have succeeded in establishing the breach of conditions of the
contract of insurance, on the part of the insurer by discharging its burden of
proof. The Tribunal, there cannot be any doubt, must arrive at a finding on the
basis of the materials available on records.
71. In the aforementioned
backdrop, the provisions of subsections (4) and (5) of Section 149 of the Motor
Vehicles Act, 1988 may be considered as to the liability of the insurer to
satisfy the decree at the first instance.
x x x
83. Subsection (5) of Section 149 which imposes a
liability on the insurer must also be given its full effect. The insurance company
may not be liable to satisfy the decree and, therefore, its liability may be zero
but it does not mean that it did not have initial liability at all. Thus, if
the insurance company is made liable to pay any amount, it can recover the
entire amount paid to the third party on behalf of the assured. If this
interpretation is not given to the beneficent provisions of the Act having
regard to its purport and object, we fail to see a situation where beneficent provisions
can be given effect to. Subsection (7) of Section 149 of the Act, to which
pointed attention of the Court has been drawn by the learned counsel for the petitioner,
which is in negative language may now be noticed. The said provision must be
read with subsection (1) thereof. The right to avoid liability in terms of subsection (2) of
Section 149 is restricted as has been discussed hereinbefore. It is one thing
to say that the insurance companies are entitled to raise a defence but it is another
thing to say that despite the fact that its defence has been accepted having regard
to the facts and circumstances of the case, the Tribunal has power to direct
them to satisfy the decree at the first instance and then direct recovery of
the same from the owner. These two matters stand apart and require contextual
[Emphasis supplied]
14. We may fruitfully note that the threeJudge Bench
adverted to situations where the driver does not have a licence and the same
has been allowed to be driven by the owner of the vehicle by such person, the
insurer would be entitled to succeed in defence and avoid liability, but the
position would be different where the disputed question of fact arises as to
whether the driver had a valid licence and where the owner of the vehicle committed
a breach of the terms of the contract of insurance as also the provisions of
the Act by consciously allowing any person to drive a vehicle who did not have
a valid driving licence.
15. The Court held that if, on
facts, it is found that the accident was caused solely because of some other
unforeseen or intervening causes like mechanical failures and similar other causes
having no nexus with the driver not possessing the requisite type of licence,
the insurer will not be allowed to avoid its liability merely for technical
breach of conditions concerning driving licence. That apart, minor and
inconsequential deviations with regard to licensing conditions would not
constitute sufficient ground to deny the benefit of coverage of insurance to
third parties. The other category of cases that the Court addressed to included
cases where the licence of the driver is found to be fake. In that context, the Court expressed its general agreement with United India
Insurance Co. Limited v. Lehru, (2003) 3 SCC 338 and stated thus:
“92. … In
Lehru case the matter has been considered
in some detail. We are in general agreement with the approach of the Bench but
we intend to point out that the observations made therein must be understood to
have been made in the light of the requirements of the law in terms whereof the
insurer is to establish wilful breach
on the part of the insured and not for the purpose of its disentitlement from raising
any defence or for the owners to be absolved from any liability whatsoever ..”
The threeJudge Bench summed up its conclusions and we think it appropriate to
reproduce the relevant part of the same:
“110. (iii) The breach of policy
condition e.g. disqualification of the driver or invalid driving licence of the
driver, as contained in subsection (2)(a)(ii) of Section 149, has to be proved
to have been committed by the insured for avoiding liability by the insurer. Mere absence, fake or invalid driving licence or
disqualification of the driver for driving at the relevant time, are not in
themselves defences available to the insurer against either the insured or the
third parties. To avoid its liability towards the insured, the insurer has to
prove that the insured was guilty of negligence and failed to exercise reasonable
care in the matter of fulfilling the condition of the policy regarding use of vehicles
by a duly licensed driver or one who was not disqualified to drive at the
relevant time.
x x x x
(vi) Even where the insurer is able to prove breach on
the part of the insured concerning the policy condition regarding holding of a
valid licence by the driver or his qualification to drive during the relevant period,
the insurer would not be allowed to avoid its liability towards the insured
unless the said breach or breaches on the condition of driving licence is/are
so fundamental as are found to have contributed to the cause of the accident. The Tribunals in interpreting the policy conditions would apply “the
rule of main purpose” and the concept of “fundamental breach” to allow defences
available to the insurer under Section 149(2) of the Act.
(vii) The question, as to whether the owner has taken reasonable
care to find out as to whether the driving licence produced by the driver (a
fake one or otherwise), does not fulfil the requirements of law or not will have
to be determined in each case.”
17. Learned counsel for the appellants would
submit that there has been no fundamental breach of the policy conditions. In
this context, we may profitably refer to the decision in Challa Bharathamma
(supra) wherein a twoJudge
Bench squarely dealt with the absence of a permit and ruled that plying a
vehicle without a permit is an infraction and insurer is not liable.
18. In Lakhmi Chand v.
Reliance General Insurance, (2016) 3 SCC 100 the Court was concerned with an order passed by the National Consumer
Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) that had declined the relief to the
petitioner therein. The insurer in the said case had taken the plea that the
complainant had violated the terms and conditions of the policy, for five
passengers were travelling
in the goods carrying vehicle at the time of the accident, whereas the
permitted seating capacity of the motor vehicle of the appellant was only 1 +
1. The twoJudge Bench referred to Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Meena
Variyal and others, (2007) 5 SCC 428 and
expressed the view that in order to avoid liability, the insurer must establish
that there was breach on the part of the insured.
19. The obtaining fact
situation is sought to be equated with the factual score in the said case. In
this regard, it is useful to refer to the Bench decision in HDFC Bank Limited
v. Reshma and others, (2015) 3 SCC 679. The issue that arose
before the Court was whether the financier was liable to pay the compensation
or it was the liability of the borrower. The tribunal had returned the finding
that the duty of the financier was to see that the borrower did not neglect to
get the vehicle insured and, therefore, it was jointly and severally liable
along with the owner. The High Court had concurred with the said conclusion.
The Court referred to Purnya Kala Devi v. State of Assam and other, (2014) 14 SCC 142 that has dealt with the
definition of the term “owner” as contained in Section 2(30) of the Act.
In the said case, the vehicle in question was under the requisition of the
State of Assam under the provisions of law. In that context, the Court has
expressed that:
“16. … The High Court failed to appreciate that at the relevant
time the offending vehicle was under the requisition of Respondent 1 State of
Assam under the provisions of the Assam Act. Therefore, Respondent 1 was
squarely covered under the definition of ‘owner’ as contained in Section 2(30)
of the 1988 Act. The High Court failed to appreciate the underlying legislative
intention in including in the definition of ‘owner’ a person in possession of a
vehicle either under an agreement of lease or agreement of hypothecation or under
a hirepurchase agreement to the effect that a person in control and possession
of the vehicle should be construed as the ‘owner’ and not alone the registered
owner. The High Court further failed to appreciate the legislative intention that
the registered owner of the vehicle should not be held liable if the vehicle
was not in his possession and control. The High Court also failed to appreciate
that Section 146 of the 1988 Act requires that no person shall use or cause or
allow any other person to use a motor vehicle in a public place without an
insurance policy meeting the requirements of Chapter XI of the 1988 Act and the
State Government has violated the statutory provisions of the 1988 Act.”
20. Be
it noted, in the said case, the liability was fixed on the State keeping in
view the legislative intention behind Section 146 of the Act, no person shall
use or cause or allow any other person to use a motor vehicle in a public place
without an insurance policy as that is the mandatory statutory requirement
under the Act. Emphasis was laid on possession and control of the vehicle and
accordingly liability was fixed on the State of Assam.
21. In HDFC Bank Limited (supra), the threeJudge Bench
opined that the hypothecation agreement did not convey that the appellant
financier had become the owner and was in control and possession of the
vehicle. It was the absolute fault of the respondent No. 2 to take the vehicle
from the dealer without full payment of the insurance, more so when nothing had
been brought on record that the said fact was known to the appellant financier
or that it was done in collusion with the financier.
22. The Court held that when
the intention of the legislature is quite clear to the effect that a registered
owner of the vehicle should not be held liable if the vehicle is not in his
possession and control and there was evidence on record that the respondent No.
2, plied the vehicle without the insurance in violation of the statutory
provision contained in Section 146 of the Act, the High Court could not have
mulcted the liability on the financier and finally, the financer was absolved
of the liability.
23. In the case at hand, it is
clearly demonstrable from the materials brought on record that the vehicle at
the time of the accident did not have a permit. The appellants had taken the stand
that the vehicle was not involved in the accident. That apart, they had not
stated whether the vehicle had temporary permit or any other kind of permit.
The exceptions that have been carved out under Section 66 of the Act, needless
to emphasise, are to be pleaded and proved. The exceptions cannot be taken aid
of in the course of an argument to seek absolution from liability. Use of a
vehicle in a public place without a permit is a fundamental statutory
infraction. We are disposed to think so in view of the series of exceptions
carved out in Section 66. The said situations cannot be equated with absence of licence or
a fake licence or a licence for different kind of vehicle, or, for that matter,
violation of a condition of carrying more number of passengers. Therefore, the
principles laid down in Swaran Singh (supra) and Lakhmi Chand (supra) in that regard
would not be applicable to the case at hand. That apart, the insurer had taken
the plea that the vehicle in question had no permit. It does not require the
wisdom of the “Tripitaka”, that the existence of a permit of any nature is a
matter of documentary evidence. Nothing has been brought on record by the insured to prove that he
had a permit of the vehicle. In such a situation, the onus cannot be cast on
the insurer. Therefore, the tribunal as well as the High Court had directed the
insurer was required to pay the compensation amount to the claimants with
interest with the stipulation that the insurer shall be entitled to recover the
same from the owner and the driver. The said directions are in consonance with
the principles stated in Swaran Singh (supra) and other cases pertaining to pay and recover principle.
24. In view of the aforesaid
analysis, we do not perceive any merit in the appeal and, accordingly, the same
stands dismissed without any order as to costs.
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