detention involves detaining of a person without trial aiming at to prevent him
from committing certain types of offences. But such detention cannot be made a substitute
for ordinary law and absolve investigating authorities of their normal
functions of investigating crimes, which detenu may have committed. After all,
preventive detention cannot be used as an instrument to keep a person in
perpetual custody without trial.
Coram: Hon’ble Mr Justice Sanjeev Kumar, Judge
HCP No.224/2018
Date of Decision:
Shahid Muneeb Mir v. State
of J&K and others
Appearing counsel: For petitioner(s): Mr Wajid Hasib,
Adv. vice Mr Mir Shafqat Hussain, Advocate For respondent(s): Mr Asif A. Bhat,
1. Impugned in this petition is Order no.46/DMA/PSA/2018 dated
03.08.2017, passed by District Magistrate, Anantnag – respondent no.2 herein,
whereby Shahid Muneeb Mir adopted son of Mohammad Akber resident of Sumbruna
Achabal A/P Shangus, District, Anantnag (for brevity “detenu”), has
been placed under preventive detention, on the grounds set out in petition in
2. Counter affidavit has been filed by respondents, vehemently
resisting the petition.
3. Heard learned counsel for parties and considered the matter.
4. Learned counsel for petitioner states that detenu was
arrested by police station Achabal from his home on 17.07.2018 and was
implicated in case FIR no.49/2018. Bail was granted in favour of detenu on
23.07.2018, by learned Judicial Magistrate 1st Class,
Shangus. However, detenu was not released and was implicated in another case,
bearing FIR no.142/2017. The detenu applied for bail, which was granted on
03.08.2018, but he was not released and was kept in custody for several days.
While being in custody, detenu was shifted to District Jail Kathua on
07.08.2018, to be detained under preventive detention in terms of impugned
detention order. Learned counsel further states that detenu was already
admitted to bail in case FIR no.49/2018 on 23.07.2018, but this important fact
has not been reflected by detaining authority in grounds of detention, which
vitiates impugned detention order. The alleged activity, made mention of in
grounds of detention, which is said to have been the basis for passing
detention order, had occurred on 05.04.2018 whereas impugned detention order
has been passed on 03.08.2018, i.e. after a delay of about four months.
According to learned counsel, the unexplained delay between alleged activity
and order of detention has snapped proximity of order of detention with the
time of its necessity. He also asserts that detenu was not furnished copy of
dossier and other connected material, copies of FIR(s), statement(s) under
Section 161 Cr.P.C., seizure memos of cases mentioned in grounds of detention,
so as to make him enable to make an effective representation to government as
well as detaining authority. He has also vehemently stated that allegation
reflected in grounds of detention are vague and do not justify passing of
detention order inasmuch as detaining authority has not given any reasonable
justification to pass detention order and therefore impugned order is pregnant
with complete non-application of mind on part of detaining authority. To
buttress his arguments, learned counsel for petitioner has relied upon Razia
Umar Bakshi v. Union of India and others AIR 1980 SC 1751; Anant Sakharam Raut
v. State of Maharashtra and another AIR 1987 SC 137; Sophia Gulam Mohd. Bham v.
State of Maharashtra AIR 1999 SC 3051; Mohammad Ashraf Khan v. State & ors 2010
(I) SLJ 365; State of Maharashtra and others v. Santosh Shankar Acharya, (2000)
7 SCC 463; and Tariq Ahmad Dar v. State of J&K & ors.,
2017 Legal Eagle 131.
5. Per contra, learned counsel for
respondents has insisted that all the technical requirements had been complied
with, more particularly as required under J&K PSA, which provide that
earliest opportunity of making a representation be provided to detenu.
6. Reverence of life is irrefragably concomitant with the
dignity of a human being, who is basically divine, not obsequious. A human
personality is indued with potential infinitude and it blossoms when dignity is
sustained. The sustenance of such dignity has to be the superlative concern of
every sensitive soul. The essence of dignity can never be treated as a
momentary spark of light or, for that matter, “a brief candle”, or “a hollow
bubble”. The spark of life gets more splendiferous when a man is treated with
dignity sans humiliation, for every man is expected to lead an
honourable life which is a splendid gift of “creative intelligence”. When a
dent is created in the reputation, humanism is paralysed. Reverence for the
nobility of a human being has to be the cornerstone of a body polity that
believes in orderly progress. But, some, the incurable ones, become totally
oblivious of the fact that living with dignity has been enshrined in our
Constitutional philosophy and it has its ubiquitous presence and the majesty
and sacrosanct dignity cannot be allowed to be crucified in the name of
precautionary incarceration. Albert Schweitzer, highlighting on Glory
of Life, pronounced with conviction and humility, “the reverence of life
offers me my fundamental principle on morality”. The aforesaid expression
may appear to be an individualistic expression of a great personality, but,
when it is understood in the complete sense, it really denotes, in its
conceptual essentiality, and connotes, in its macrocosm, the fundamental
perception of a thinker about the respect that life commands. Personal liberty
is of the widest amplitude covering a variety of rights. Its deprivation shall
only be in accordance with procedure prescribed by law conformable to mandate
of the Supreme Law, the Constitution, more particularly to Article 21 thereof.
Of all fundamental rights, conceded to citizens under the Constitution, right
of personal liberty is most cherished. A person is not to be deprived of this
right except in accordance with the procedure laid down by law, even if he be a
man of the most desperate character.
7. Preventive detention is a serious invasion of personal
liberty and such meagre safeguards as the Constitution has provided, against
improper exercise of power, must be jealously watched and enforced by the
Court. Article 22(3)(b) of the Constitution of India, which permits preventive
detention, is an exception to Article 21of the Constitution. An exception
cannot, ordinarily, nullify full force of the main rule, which is the right to
liberty guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. An exception can apply
only in rare cases. The imposition of what is, in effect, a substantial term of
imprisonment by the exercise of executive discretion, without trial, lies
uneasily with the ordinary concepts of the rule of law. The law of preventive
detention can only be justified by striking the right balance between
individual liberty on the one hand and the needs of an orderly society on the
other. The power of preventive detention is a frightful and awesome power with
drastic consequences affecting personal liberty which is the most cherished and
prized possession of man in a civilized society. The said power has to be exercised
with the greatest care and caution, and it is the duty of the Courts to ensure
that this power is not abused or misused. The power of preventive detention
must be confined to very narrow limits, otherwise the right to liberty would be
rendered nugatory. To prevent misuse of this potentially dangerous power, the
law of preventive detention has to be strictly construed and meticulous
compliance with procedural safeguards, however technical, is mandatory and
vital. When it comes to fundamental rights under the Constitution, the Court,
irrespective of the enormity and gravity of allegations made against the
detenu, must intervene. The gravity of the evil to the community, resulting
from anti-social activities, cannot furnish sufficient reason for invading personal
liberty of a citizen, except in accordance with procedure established by law,
particularly as normal penal laws would still be available for being invoked
instead of keeping a person in detention without trial. The law relating to
preventive detention has always been strictly interpreted so as to uphold the
concept of individual freedom. Courts have always acted to safeguard the purity
of such right which is available to be interfered with only under the most
stringent and rigorous conditions. What difference is it to detenu whether his immurement
is called preventive or punitive? Besides, in cases of preventive detention no
offence is proved and justification of such detention is suspicion or
reasonable probability, and there is no conviction that can only be warranted
by legal evidence. Preventive detention is every so often described as a ‘jurisdiction
of suspicion’, Detaining authority passes detention order on subjective
satisfaction. Preventive detention is, by nature, repugnant to democratic ideas
and an anathema to rule of law.
8. Preventive detention law makes room for detention of a person
without a formal charge and without trial. The person detained is not required
to be produced before the Magistrate within 24 hours, so as to give an
opportunity to the Magistrate to peruse the record and decide whether detenu is
to be remanded to police or judicial custody or allowed to go with or without
bail. The detenu cannot engage a lawyer to represent him before detaining
authority. In the said backdrop, it is of utmost importance that whatever
procedural safeguards guaranteed to detenu by the Constitution and preventive
detention law, should be strictly followed. Right to liberty guaranteed by
Article 21 implies that before a person is imprisoned, a trial must ordinarily
be held giving him full opportunity of hearing, and that too through a lawyer,
because a layman would not be able to properly defend himself except through a
lawyer. The importance of a lawyer to enable a person to properly defend
himself has been elaborately explained by the Supreme Court in A.S. Mohd.
Rafi v. State of Tamilnadu AIR 2011 SC 308 and Md. Sukur Ali v.
State of Assam, JT 2011 (2) SC 527. As observed by Mr Justice
Sutherland of the U.S. Supreme Court in Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S.
45 (1932) “Even the intelligent and educated layman has small and
sometimes no skill in the science of law”, and hence, without a lawyer he
may be convicted though he is innocent. Article 22(1) of the Constitution makes
it a fundamental right of a person detained to consult and be defended by a
lawyer of his choice. But Article 22(3) specifically excludes the applicability
of clause (1) of Article 22 to cases of preventive detention. Therefore, we
must confine the power of preventive detention to very narrow limits, otherwise
the great right to liberty won by our Founding Fathers, who were also freedom
fighters, after long, arduous, historical struggles, will become nugatory. In State
of Maharashtra & Ors. Vs. Bhaurao Punjabrao Gawande, (2008) 3 SCC 613 this
Supreme Court observed:
liberty is a precious right. So did the Founding Fathers believe because, while
their first object was to give unto the people a Constitution whereby a
government was established, their second object, equally important, was to
protect the people against the government. That is why, while conferring
extensive powers on the government like the power to declare an emergency, the
power to suspend the enforcement of fundamental rights or the power to issue
ordinances, they assured to the people a Bill of Rights by Part III of the
Constitution, protecting against executive and legislative despotism those
human rights which they regarded as fundamental. The imperative necessity to
protect these rights is a lesson taught by all history and all human
experience. Our Constitution makers had lived through bitter years and seen an
alien Government trample upon human rights which the country had fought hard to
preserve. They believed like Jefferson that “an elective despotism was not the
Government we fought for”. And, therefore, while arming the Government with
large powers to prevent anarchy from within and conquest from without, they
took care to ensure that those powers were not abused to mutilate the liberties
of the people. (vide A.K. Roy Vs. Union of India (1982) 1 SCC 271, and
Attorney General for India Vs. Amratlal Prajivandas, (1994) 5 SCC 54.”
9. The Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court in M.
Nagaraj & ors. Vs. Union of India & ors. (2006) 8 SCC 212,
“It is a fallacy
to regard fundamental rights as a gift from the State to its citizens.
Individuals possess basic human rights independently of any Constitution by
reason of the basic fact that they are members of the human race.”
10. The Nine Judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court in I.R.
Coelho (dead) By LRs. Vs. State of T.N., (2007) 2 SCC 1, observed:
“It is necessary
to always bear in mind that fundamental rights have been considered to be the
heart and soul of the Constitution..... Fundamental rights occupy a unique
place in the lives of civilized societies and have been described in judgments
as & “transcendental”, & inalienable, and primordial”.
11. In the present case, averment of learned counsel for
respondents is that there are very serious allegations against detenu as he has
always been in the lead role in stone pelting incidents and has been creating
law and order problem in the area of Achabal, Anantnag, and its adjacent areas
and in order to accomplish antisocial agency, he resorted to stone pelting. And
in this connection, various criminal cases are already going on against detenu
under various provisions of Ranbir Penal Code and if he is found guilty, he
will be convicted and given appropriate sentence. Maybe, offences allegedly
committed by detenu attract punishment under prevailing laws but that has to be
done under prevalent laws and taking recourse to preventive detention laws
would not be warranted. Detention cannot be made a substitute for ordinary law
and absolve investigating authorities of their normal functions of
investigating crimes, which detenu may have committed. After all, preventive
detention cannot be used as an instrument to keep a person in perpetual custody
without trial. The Supreme Court in Rekha v. State of Tamil Nadu AIR 2011
SCW 2262, while emphasising need to adhere to procedural safeguards,
“It must be remembered
that in case of preventive detention no offence is proved and the justification
of such detention case is suspicion or reasonable probability, and there is no
conviction which can only be warranted by legal evidence. Preventive detention
is often described as “jurisdiction of suspicion”, The Detaining Authority
passes the order of detention on subjective satisfaction. Since Clause (3) of
Article 22 specifically excludes the applicability of Clauses (1) and (2), the
detenue is not entitled to a lawyer or the right to be produced before a
Magistrate within 24 hours of arrest. To prevent misuse of this potentially
dangerous power the law of preventive detention has to be strictly construed
and meticulous compliance with the procedural safeguards, however, technical,
is, in our opinion, mandatory and vital.”
12. It is apt to mention that preventive detention is not a quick
alternative to normal legal process, is the saying of the Supreme Court in V.
Shantha v. State of Telangana & ors, AIR 2017 SC 2625. The Supreme
Court has held that preventive detention of a person by a State after
branding him a ‘goonda’ merely because the normal legal process is ineffective
and time-consuming in ‘curbing the evil he spreads’, is illegal and that
detention of a person is a serious matter affecting the liberty of the citizen.
Preventive detention cannot be resorted to when sufficient remedies are
available under general laws of the land for any omission or commission under
such laws, the Supreme Court observed. Recourse to normal legal procedure would
be time consuming and would not be an effective deterrent to prevent detenu
from indulging in further prejudicial activities, affecting maintenance of
public order, and that there was no other option except invoking provisions of
preventive detention Act as an extreme measure to insulate. No doubt, offences
alleged to have been committed by detenu are such as to attract punishment
under prevailing laws but that has to be done under the said prevalent laws and
taking recourse to preventive detention laws would not be warranted. Preventive
detention involves detaining of a person without trial aiming at to prevent him
from committing certain types of offences. But such detention cannot be made a substitute
for ordinary law and absolve investigating authorities of their normal
functions of investigating crimes, which detenu may have committed. After all,
preventive detention cannot be used as an instrument to keep a person in
perpetual custody without trial. My views are fortified by the judgements
rendered in the cases of Rekha’s and V. Shantha (supra),
and Sama Aruna v. State of Telengana AIR 2017 SC 2662.
13. For the foregoing reasons, petition is disposed of and
detention Order no.46/DMA/PSA/2018 dated 03.08.2017, passed by District
Magistrate, Anantnag, is quashed. Respondents are directed to release the
detenu, namely, Shahid Muneeb Mir adopted son of Mohammad Akber resident of
Sumbruna Achabal A/P Shangus, District, Anantnag, forthwith, provided he is
not required in any other case. Disposed of.
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