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Latest & Important Chhattisgarh High Court Judgments January 2019

Specific Relief Act, 1963 - S. 31 - When cancellation may be ordered - plaintiff admittedly have not asked for any cancellation of the sale deed made in favour of the appellants. In view of this, the suit for specific performance could not have been decreed in favour of the plaintiff as one conveyance. Sharda Rani Chhabada v. Rajjan Prasad, Goutam Bhaduri, J. F.A. No. 398 of 1996 22-01-2019

Penal Code, 1860 - Ss. 467, 468, 471, 380, 384 / 34 - Quashment of the Criminal Case - complaint is private in nature and was revolving in between the complainant and the petitioners. The complainant has stated that he do not want to continue the prosecution, therefore, continuation of the prosecution may be futile. Roshan Lal Burman v. State of Chhattisgarh, Goutam Bhaduri, J. Crl.M.P. No. 192 of 2018 18-01-2019

Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 - S. 166 - a child aged about 8 years died in motor vehicular accident and the claimants were young parents, considering its various earlier decisions awarded Rs.5 lacs towards total loss of dependency. Kusum Bai v. Moh Aslam, Gautam Chourdiya, J. M.A.C. No. 1563 of 2018 18-01-2019

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