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Latest & Important Patna High Court Judgments January 2019

Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology - Penal Code, 1860 - Ss. 302 / 34 - Arms Act, 1959 - S. 27 - If a firearm is discharged very close to the body or in actual contact, subcutaneous tissues over an area of two or three inches around the wound of entrance are lacerated and the surrounding skin is usually scorched and blackened by smoke and tattooed with unburnt grains of gunpowder or smokeless propellant powder. The adjacent hairs are singed, and the clothes covering the part are burnt by the flame. If the powder is smokeless, there may be a greyish or white deposit on the skin around the wound. Blackening is found, if a firearm like a shotgun is discharged from a distance of not more than three feet and a revolver or pistol discharged within about two feet. [Para 18] Rakesh Kumar & Prakash Chandra Jaiswal, JJ. Murari Yadav v. State of Bihar Crl.A. No. 578 of 2013 24-01-2019

Penal Code, 1860 – S. 304B & 498A - Evidence Act, 1872 – S. 113B - Ingredients of. Aditya Kumar Trivedi, J. Hari Prasad Giri v. State of BiharCrl.A. No. 119 of 2009 24-01-2019

Contractors Registration Rules, 2007 (Bihar) - Order suspending registration of a firm has got civil consequence as it is likely to affect not only the business concern but all those who are attached therewith. Such decision are, therefore, required to be taken with much care and circumspection. M/s Topline Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd. v. State of BiharW.P. (C) No. 22216 of 2018 23-01-2019

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