Advocate - An advocate is duty bound to act as per the higher status conferred upon him as an officer of the court. He plays a vital role in preservation of society and justice delivery system. Advocate has no business to threaten a Judge or hurl abuses for judicial order which he has passed. Arun Mishra & Navin Sinha, JJ. Rakesh Tiwari, Advocate v. Alok Pandey, CJM , Crl.A. No. 1223 of 2015 10-05-2019 Advocate - In case of complaint of the Judge, it was open to the advocate to approach concerned higher authorities but there is no licence to any member of the Bar to indulge in such undignified conduct to lower down the dignity of the Court. Such attempts deserve to be nipped at the earliest as there is no room to such attack by a member of noble profession. Arun Mishra & Navin Sinha, JJ. Rakesh Tiwari, Advocate v. Alok Pandey, CJM , Crl.A. No. 1223 of 2015 10-05-2019 Appeal to Supreme Court - Concurrent findings of three courts - Since all the three Cou...